Welcome to the first edition of 'The Shootout'. Here, we ask bands 10 quickfire questions. Some are music-related, some are not. First in the hot seat: whenyoung.

1. Tell us your most interesting story from tour...

Top 3 moments in no particular order: Having breakfast with Bobby Gillespie, having dinner with Nick Cave and having a drink with Shane MacGowan.

2. Best part of being in a band? 

The feeling we collectively get when we write a song that feels good. Knowing we've created something special together.

3. Worst part? 

The feeling we collectively get when we write a song that is terrible!! Can't really think of any negatives, we love being in a band together! Maybe the fact that we can never really switch off. 

4. If you could take credit for one song, what would it be? 

'Nothing Compares to You' by Prince. Or anything by Burt Bacharach, to write with him would be the dream. If you don't know who wrote a certain song, then the chances are it was Burt.

5. Best city to gig in?

Bristol for the gig, Dublin for the after party. 

6. What's a must have on a rider? 

Water is probably the most important but we would say whiskey and guacamole! 

7. If you could soundtrack any movie what would it be?

Taxi Driver by Scorsese. Creepy but cool. 

8. Musical influences?

Blondie, Patti Smith, The Clash, The Police, Sinead O’Connor, Buzzcocks.

9. Biggest fear?

Too scared to say, don't want to jinx it. Running out of marmite is pretty scary...

10. Where can we get one of your jumpsuits?! 

We customise them ourselves. So each one is individual. We find them online or in vintage shops and paint, dye and adorn them with safety pins and badges.  We'll be taking them on tour to sell at the merch stand or just DM us and we can post anywhere in the world!

whenyoung will be on tour this September, and you can watch the music video for their latest release, a cover of The Cranberries' 'Dreams' here:
